
Ljubodrag Simonović – EU’s dirty truths, capitalism and global genocide


Ljubodrag Simonović – EU’s dirty truths, capitalism and global genocide

Link to this video on:http://www.youtube.com/
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In this recent interview Duci talks about:

  •  the lack of radical critique of capitalism within the circles of the world’s top philosophers and publicists;
  • genocidal plans of the developed capitalist countries against the majority of the world’s population;
  • existance of Fascism in Germany from the World War II untill today;
  • sickening truths from the EU that nobody mentions in the media (pedofilia, missing children);
  • the rights of children versus the rights of homosexuals;
  • the Zeitgeist movement and it’s technocratic fascist character…

Ljubodrag Simonović: Capitalism is ecocidal and genocidal totalitarian order


Ljubodrag Simonović: Capitalism is ecocidal and genocidal totalitarian order

Link to video on: http://www.youtube.com
You can download this video by folowing this instructions.

In one of his latest interviews Duci speaks about the need for the environmental consciousness to become the landmark within the leftist movement since Marx’s critique of capitalism became completely surpassed, because capitalism became genocidal and ecocidal totalitarian order of destruction. Duci is also reflecting on global issues, demonstrations around the world, situation in Serbia, plans of global capitalism to decrease the worlds population by few billions through various means (pouting the earth, air, water etc) so that the resources are left to be exploited by the capitalist elites!

Ljubodrag Simonović – Duci: Rise up, Worker! Save the Planet!


This is interview with Ljubodrag Simonović – Duci on TV Palma Plus broadcasted on 19.03.2011.

Rise up, Worker! Save the Planet!

Link to video on: http://www.youtube.com
You can download this video by folowing this instructions.

Capitalism became ecocidal and genocidal order which is destroying the life on the planet. Capitalist fanatics are the worst terrorists because they are destroying the life on the planet.

Duci also speaks about the Fukoshima nuclear disaster and the irresponsibility of Japanese capitalists, pollution on catastrophic scale, destruction of the environment and life in general, Mexican Gulf oil spill, war in Libya, nuclear waste dumps etc, and the last chance for the people to rise up and become real humane beings and fight against capitalism before the life on the planet is completely destroyed.

Destroy capitalism – save the planet!

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